WISCOMP attempts to mainstream robust practices of conflict transformation into democratic institution building in South Asia. To this end, it facilitates sharing of experiences, opportunities and challenges among citizens, researchers, the NGO community and policy planners.
Through the program, WISCOMP facilitates skill building for dialogue among women and youth led groups in South Asia. The program has spawned diverse collaborations ranging from dialogues on sustainability with Maldivian environmentalists, trainings on human security issues for young Afghan professionals, interactions with the members of the Constituent Assembly of Nepal, to trainings on psychosocial health with Afghan medical professionals. WISCOMP has also interacted with Shanti Malika, a rainbow coalition working for peaceful social and political change in Nepal, and collaborated with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) to organize conferences for South Asian policymakers and practitioners on unfolding democratic processes in the region.

Dialogues, seminars and training programs as part of the Deepening Democracy initiative seek to
- Enrich the knowledge base and promote a deeper understanding of contemporary socio-political issues
- Enhance inclusion in democratic processes by amplifying the concerns and priorities of the marginalized sections, especially women.
- Share best practices and promote mutual learning between civil society groups and government functionaries at the local, state and national level.
- Counter growing fundamentalism and violent extremism in the region
- Stimulate discussion on the potentialities of conflict transformation practices, like Dialogue, Relationship- and Trust-Building, Active Listening, for South Asian democracies-in-the-making.