Event Archives

Event Listing



  • A webinar on Gender Equity in Higher Education – A U.S.-India Dialogue on August 26, 2020
  • Virtual Saahas Awards Ceremony, August 24, 2020
  • In partnership with Government College of Education, Srinagar a workshop is organized at India Habitat Center, New Delhi on January 30, 2020 Gender Audits at Colleges of Education– A Workshop
  • In collaboration with India International Center, New Delhi WISCOMP Dialogue on Engendering Corporate Leadership held on January 16, 2020
  • In collaboration with Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi a workshop for educators at the Teaching Today for Tomorrow: Springdales Annual Staff Seminar on January 9 and 10, 2020


  • A Consultative meeting in partnership with Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar on crafting Gender Audit Templates held at India Habitat Center, New Delhi on December 13, 2019.
  • Conducted Workshops at the Youth Leadership Summit: Educating the Mind Body and Heart at Bluebells School International, New Delhi on December 10-11, 2019
  • In partnership with Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneshwar conducted a three-day workshop for faculty, senior administrators and students on ‘Gender Equity and Inclusion: Transformative Pathways in Higher Education’, at the university from November 26-28 2019.
  • In partnership with Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar conducted a three-day workshop for faculty, senior administrators and students on ‘Gender Equity and Inclusion: Transformative Pathways in Higher Education’, at the college from September 17-19, 2019.
  • WISCOMP Dialogues begin on August 26 2019. Organized in collaboration with the India International Center, New Delhi this discussion series aims to provide a space for sustained public dialogue on pertinent contemporary concerns through the prism of gender. The first dialogue focuses on Social and Gender Audits in Higher Education.
  • In partnership with Symbiosis School for Liber Arts, Pune conducted a three-day workshop for faculty, senior administrators and students on ‘Gender Audits’, at the college from August 22-24, 2019
  • In partnership with Cotton University, Guwahati conducted a three-day dialogue-cum-training workshop for faculty, senior administrators and students on ‘Gender Equity and Inclusion: Transformative Pathways in Higher Education’, at the university from 11-14 March 2019.


  • WISCOMP facilitated a Consultative Meeting on ‘Hamsa: Campus Equity Initiative’ on 13 October 2018 in New Delhi. Women’s Equality, Empowerment and Leadership through Safe Higher Educational and Work Spaces Project.
  • As part of WISCOMP’s engagement with Higher Education Institutions on engendering campuses and fostering cultures of gender sensitivity, inclusion and equity, Dr. Gopinath and Shilpi Shabdita visited Cordia Educational Institutes in Sanghol, Punjab on 8 October 2018.
  • WISCOMP & FUR, in collaboration with STEP commemorated the International Peace Day on 21 September 2018 to organize a ‘walk’, titled, ‘Seeking Peace and Coexistence through the Syncretic Traditions of Delhi: A Walking Exploration’, through the lanes of Nizamuddin in Delhi to historically unravel the notions of interfaith harmony and peaceful coexistence.
  • WISCOMP and the Calcutta Research Group (CRG), Kolkata, organized a Panel Discussion on ‘People on the Move, People on the Run: Displacement, Security and Gender in South Asia’ on 7 September 2018 in New Delhi, in collaboration with the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) Network- South Asia and the India International Centre, New Delhi.
  • WISCOMP conducted a Workshop titled Engendering Higher Education with 36 Professors, Administration Staff and Research Scholars drawn from across departments at the Central University of Kashmir, Nowgam campus, Srinagar on August 2-3, 2018.
  • WISCOMP organized a Panel Discussion on Voice, Representation and Sexualized Portrayal of Women in Media, in partnership with Public Affairs Section, US Embassy, New Delhi and UChicago Centre in India, New Delhi on 1 August 2018 in New Delhi.
  • WISCOMP organized a Workshop Engendering Education with 35 students of the Prefectorial Council at Bluebells School International on 2-3 July, 2018 to build the capacities of young students to prevent and end gender-based discrimination and violence in their schools, families and communities.
  • Conducted a two-day training for senior peace practitioners from Jammu, Kashmir and Ladak regions on 30-31 May 2018 in New Delhi, titled, ‘GenderScape: Walking the Talk on Buildign Women’s Agency‘.
  • Conducted a two-day training, titled ‘Engendering Education: Building Youth Capacities to End Gender-based Violence in Schools’ with Social Justice Animators from 25 Edmund Rice Schools across India in Shillong on 28-29 May 2018.
  • WISCOMP conducted an interaction for the 25 undergraduate students from University of Macquarie, Australia on “Women’s Leadership in India: Opportunities and Challenges’ on April 24, 2018 in New Delhi.
  • WISCOMP organized a Conference ‘Exploring Partnerships amidst a Polarizing Discourse: Women Against the Violence of Exclusion’ in Srinagar on 19 April 2018.
  • Dr. Sumona DasGupta and Ms. Seema Kakran participated at the NTS-Asia 2018 Annual Conference held in Singapore in March 2018.
  • Seema Kakran made a Presentation, titled ‘Girls’ Education to Women’s Empowerment: Strengthening the Links’ at the Government College of Education, Srinagar as a part of their two-day seminar on 23 March in Srinagar.
  • WISCOMP delivered a Lecture on ‘GenderTalk: Looking at Society Through a New Lens‘ at the Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Delhi on 12 March 2018.
  • WISCOMP organised a ‘Youth Studio‘ on 7 March 2018, in collaboration with 14th IAWRT Asian Women’s Film Festival 2018.
  • Eliciting responses from the grassroots, WISCOMP organised a Panel Discussion on ‘Women Weaving Peace‘ on 7 March 2018, as a part of the 14th IAWRT Asian Women’s Film Festival 2018, in New Delhi.
  • To commemorate International Women’s Day, WISCOMP conducted a half-day workshop with students and faculty of Manav Rachna University on 6 March 2018 on ‘Society and Gender: Through a New Lens’.
  • On 23 February 2018, WISCOMP partnered with Parvah-IGSSS for a half day workshop with the young Kahsmiris on ‘Prayaas: Kashmir Calling’ in New Delhi.
  • WISCOMP conducted a two-hour workshop with 25 Masters students at Education and Early Childhood Education, Ambedkar University Delhi on 31 January on Gendertalk: Imprinting Pedagogy.


  • To commemorate 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, WISCOMP hosted a talk on ‘Engendering Leadership’ on 9th December 2017. At the talk, Dipti Nath made an audio-visual presentation titled Re-Imaging Frames of Empowerment.
  • WISCOMP hosted around 20 young researchers from Ambedkar University, Delhi and University of Edinburgh, brought together for a joint research project funded by the UGC-UKIERI on December 8, 2017.
  • WISCOMP conducted a two-day workshop on ‘Universal Ethics, Education and Global Citizenship’ with 35 high school students at Bluebells School International on 20th and 29th November, 2017.
  • Organised a Roundtable on ‘(Re)Storying Kashmir : Exploring Possibilities for Constructive Partnerships’ on October 25 in New Delhi.
  • WISCOMP & FUR Staff members commemorated the International Day of Peace with various refugee communities in New Delhi on September 21.
  • Manjri Sewak conducted a two-day workshop on Secular Ethics at the 23rd Gurukul Programme, conducted by the Foundation for Universal Responsibility in July 2017
  • WISCOMP celebrated Centenary of Finland’s Independence with its project With South Asia Together Building Cultures of Peace as a part of the Finland’s 100 Programme.
  • Ms. Seema Kakran attended on behalf of WISCOMP attended the annual meeting conducted by NTS-Consortium held in Singapore on 30-31 March. She presented on ‘Climate Change and SDG16: Challenges before India’.
  • Brought together academicians, policy makers, civil society and grassroots activists for a one-day Consultative Dialogue titled, ‘Echoes and Resonances: Critical Challenges for Youth and Peace Building in Kashmir’ on 23 March 2017.
  • On March 16, WISCOMP Saahas Awards honored the courage of extraordinary men, women and transgender persons who actively stood up against gender-based violence in their own lives & those of others with WISCOMP Saahas Awards; and they continue to advocate for gender equality and social justice. An innovative and path-breaking training and curriculum package developed by WISCOMP was also released as a part of the Ceremony.
  • Participated at the First ELSA NGO Mela on 11 February at Chinmaya Mission, New Delhi
  • On 1 February, WISCOMP partnered with Carnegie India, Harper Collins and India International Centre to discuss Vera Hildebrand’s book titled Women at War: Subhas Chandra Bose and Rani of Jhansi Regiment
  • Conducted a five-hour training, Power of One: Be the Change focusing on empathy as an important value for 130 High School students from various parts of the world as a part of 60 years celebration of Bluebells International, New Delhi on 23 January
  • A dialogue with the students and faculty from the University of Kansas, U.S. was conducted on 13 January on Women’s Leadership in India: Challenges and Opportunities


  • Gender, Conflict Transformation and Peace Building workshop was conducted with the students of Ambedkar University, Delhi on 2 December.
  • A three-day National Consultation on Effective Intervention and Communication Strategies, held on 28-30 November, New Delhi brought together policy makers, police officers, women activists, creative artists and media professionals to review the work undertaken across multiple platforms towards changing attitudes and behavior on violence against women.
  • An Interactive Discussion On Post-Trauma Healing at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi on November 15-16, 2016.
  • Jashn–e–Aman is an annual festival of peace organized by Standing Together to Enable Peace (STEP) Trust, in collaboration with #wiscomp and the Foundation for Universal Responsibility. With its theme “Take a Step Towards an Inclusive City”, the festival this year (21st September to 2nd October)
  • A two-day national workshop titled Educating for Social Change brought together teachers and teacher educators and practitioners to engage with issues of gender equity were held in New Delhi. (28-29 August 2016)
  • A dialogue on “Secular Ethics in Education” was facilitated with the objective to review the curriculum developed on this theme (New Delhi)
  • Breaking the Silence: Issues of Gender and Equality in India (Workshops for Faculty and Students of Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad)
  • Parvaaz: Inner Spaces and Outer Expressions (Workshops for Teachers and Students of DPS, Budgam, Kashmir)
  • A capacity building workshop was conducted for the teaching staff of St. Mary’s School, New Delhi on “Transforming Relationships” as part of their annual teacher training program. (July 7-9)
  • Engendering Research: Perspectives and Possibilities: A Gender-Training Workshop for Faculty of Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan


  • Hum Kadam Dialogue: Militarization in Jammu and Kashmir
  • Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset – A Workshop (Pune)
  • Pedagogies for Peace: A Workshop for Educators (New Delhi)
  • Active Coexistence – A Joint School Students’ Workshop
  • Women Crafting Peace- A Theatrical Performance by Dr. Rama Mani
  • International Roundtable titled Women and Peacebuilding: Engendering Policy
  • Educating for Peace in Jammu and Kashmir – Roundtable Consultation (New Delhi)
  • Cultivating Compassion and Peace: A Workshop for High School Students in India
  • Transformational Leadership: A Workshop for Youth (Pulwama, Kashmir)
  • Critical Thinking for Educators, Pulwama, Kashmir
  • Transformational Leadership: School Students, Pulwama, Kashmir
  • National Conclave titled Breaking Barriers, Claiming Spaces: Women Leadership and Change
  • Workshop on Gender, Violence and Citizenship
  • Teachers’ Workshop titled Engendering the Classroom and Beyond
  • Gender Equality and Youth Leadership, A Workshop for Students, New Delhi
  • Youth Workshop on Gender, Violence and Youth Citizenship titled “United to Combat Violence Against Women” (New Delhi)
  • Gender Equality, Freedom and Violence Prevention: A Workshop with Female College Students from Rural Areas ( New Delhi)
  • Creative Dialogues on Violence Prevention: A Training cum Learning Workshop for Teachers (New Delhi )
  • Nurturance and Wellbeing: A Workshop for Parents of High School Students on Engendering Education
  • WISCOMP participated in a seminar on Women, Peace and Security in India organized to launch the Monash Gender, Peace and Society Initiative (Australia)


  • Education for Peace and Transformative Learning: The Possibilities for RTE (New Delhi)
  • Building Compassionate School Communities: A School’s Conclave (Noida)
  • Let’s Get it Started! Exploring partnerships for Peace: A Workshop to build Sustained Youth Collaborations
  • Consultation with Educators on ‘Templates for Peace: A Handbook on Multiculturalism and Nonviolence’
  • Aas Pass ki Khoj: Methodologies for Heritage Education – A Workshop (Srinagar)
  • Engaged Leadership: Skills and Perspectives – A Workshop
  • Border Crossings: Nations, Violence, Women – A Curtain Raiser
  • From Trasmission to Transformative Learning (Srinagar)
  • The Role of Media in Conflict and Peace: Exploring Alternatives


  • International Conference on Forced Migration
  • Equity, Access and Quality in School Education: Challenges before Jammu and Kashmir: A Roundtable
  • Understanding Dialogue: A Workshop for Youth Leaders
  • Unravelling Competing Realities: A Dialogue of Youth Leaders from Srinagar and Delhi
  • Educating Beyond the Examination: A Workshop on Structured Dialogue for School Teachers from Kashmir and Delhi
  • Remember, Reclaim, Recreate: A Workshop on Identity and History for Young Adults from Regions of Conflict
  • Professional Development Workshop for Educators (Srinagar)
  • Career Counseling Workshop
  • Educating Beyond Examination (Srinagar)
  • Action for Peace: A Training for Graduate Students of Kamala Nehru College, New Delhi
  • Capacity-building Workshop for High School Students from Kashmir and Delhi titled Trustbuilding and Coexistence: Transforming Relationships
  • Exploring Educational Spaces for Peace and Nonviolence: A Roundtable Discussion
  • Student Alliance: Awaaz Consultations (New Delhi & Srinagar)
  • Identity, Conflict and Coexistence: Trust Building Workshop (Srinagar)
  • Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: A Workshop for Youth Leaders
  • From Trasmission to Transformative Learning: A Workshop for Kashmiri and NCR Educators
  • Identity, Conflict and Coexistence: A Conflict Transformation Workshop


  • Pir Panjal Region: Current Perspectives: A Seminar (Rajouri)
  • Reporting on Conflict: A Peace Journalist’s Frame: A Workshop (Jammu)
  • Kashmir Now: Revisioning Citizens’ Role in Governance and Crisis Prevention
  • The Software of Peacbuilding: Annual Conflict Transformation Workshop for Indian and Pakistani researchers and practitioners
  • A Field Trip to strife-torn Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir (Srinagar)
  • Conflict Transformation Workshop for Youth Leaders from Delhi and Srinagar (Srinagar )
  • Shifting Paradigms in Education: From Exclusion to Excellence for All (Srinagar)
  • Understanding Dialogue: A Workshop for Youth Leaders
  • In Conversation: ‘Women Building Peace’ (Spain)


  • Resurrecting Pluralistic Jammu & Kashmir: New Wave Writing (5th Writers’ Workshop)
  • Building Trust Between Nuclear Rivals: Lessons from the Argentine-Brazilian Nuclear Rapprochement (Nicholas Wheeler)
  • Trust Building in Contemporary Conflicts: A Conflict Transformation Workshop
  • Next Steps in Jammu and Kashmir: A Preparatory Conference
  • New Frontiers in Peace Education: A Lecture by Prof. Betty A. Reardon
  • Critical Media Education for Building a Culture of Peace
  • Youth Leadership for Fostering a Culture of Peace: A Workshop
  • Missing Links in Jammu: Need for Interactive Platforms
  • Know RTI for No Corruption: A Workshop (Jammu)
  • A Field-Trip to Srinagar: Broadening the Scope of stakeholders
  • The Other Kashmir: A Discussion Forum (Jammu)
  • Writers’ Samanbal: Inaugural Meeting  (Srinagar)
  • Second Writers Samanbal Meeting (Srinagar)
  • Samanbal Marasim Meeting (Jammu)
  • Women in Conflict Contexts: Voices from Kashmir: A Roundtable
  • Jammu: Past and Present: A Talk (Jammu)
  • Anna’s Crusade, Lokpal Bill and Corruption in Jammu and Kashmir: Discussion Forum (Jammu)
  • Sati Sar Ka Sooraj: Book Reading & Discussion(Jammu)
  • Civil Society in Conflict Resolution: Global Experiences: A Talk
  • Empowering Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir: Discussion Forum
  • Women, Peace and Disarmament: A Roundtable (New Delhi)
  • Qalamkaar Samith: Literary Seminar (Srinagar)
  • Aina Numa: A Book Discussion (Jammu)
  • Rajouri-Poonch: Case of Chronic Neglect: A Talk (Jammu)
  • Action Research Project to Create a Citizen’s Samanbal for Crisis Prevention in Srinagar: Field         Research (Srinagar)
  • Gender, Democracy and Peacebuilding in South Asia: Annual Conflict Transformation Workshop
  • Jammu and Kashmir: A Current Update: Seminar (Jammu)
  • Workshop on Domestic Violence for Bijbehara Samanbal (Bijbehara Anantnag)


  • Field Visit to Jammu Camps and Interaction with Women’s Development Commission
  • Symposium on Maldives titled Exploring the Contours of Democracy in Maldives
  • Symbol and Substance: Exploring Inter-Community Relations in Ladakh: A Consultative Workshop (Ladakh)
  • Workshop titled Introduction to Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation (Shillong)
  • Soldiers of Peace: Film Screening and Discussion
  • Women at the Peace Table in the Asia Pacific
  • Enriching Democratic Practice in South Asia: Possibilities from the field of Peacebuilding (Annual Conflict Transformation Workshop)
  • Dialogue titled Competing Realities: Identity, Culture and Dialogue in Jammu & Kashmir
  • A Celebration Commemorating the Release of Aung San Suu Kyi
  • National Forum on Security, Displacement and Livelihood of Coastal Communities in Southern India, Kanyakumari
  • Transformational Leadership – A Workshop for Tibetan Youth


  • Regional Symposium on Democracies in Transition: Opportunities and Challenges for Nepal
  • Samanbal Training Workshop for Self-Help Group Formation: An Athwaas Initiative (Jammu)
  • Indo-Afghan Youth Forum III
  • The Election Spectacle through the Peace Lens: Tensions and Possibilities: A Workshop for Youth from Jammu and Kashmir
  • Can Political Science be a Tool to Understand and Resolve Conflicts? The Case of India’s North East – A Workshop in Guwahati
  • Teambuilding Workshop in Bijbehara
  • Workshop on Gender, Rights and Violence, Bijbehara, Jammu and Kashmir
  • South Asian Youth Leaders’ Workshop titled Seeking Peace in Changing Worlds: Conflict Transformation and the New Geopolitics of Power
  • Joint Samanbal Workshop: A Workshop on Domestic Violence, Srinagar
  • Facilitation Workshop on Domestic Violence, Jammu
  • Jashn-e-Aman: A Festival of Peace
  • Gender, Violence and Human Rights Workshop, Leh
  • OPEN FRAME: Gender, Politics,Conflict, Peace
  • Pathways to Peace: A Presentation on Women Building Peace Roundtable with UNIC
  • Re-Envisioing Athwaas: The Way Forward


  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Working Group Meeting on Politics, Law, Governance
  • Gender, HIV and Security: A National Forum on Human Security (in collaboration with Chaitanya: The Policy Consultancy, Chennai
  • International Symposium on Dialogue
  • National Educators Workshop titled Education for Peace and Multiculturalism
  • Roundtable titled Searching for Peace in Afghanistan: Collaborative Possibilities for Youth in Peacebuilding
  • Psycho-social Training Workshop for Health Workers in Budgam and Pulwama, Kashmir
  • Workshop with Teacher-Educators: An Athwaas Initiative
  • Theater Workshop for underprivileged youth from rural Kashmir (Bijbehara)
  • Training workshop titled ‘Experiencing, Exploring, Expanding Selves’ for high school students from regions of conflict (in collaboration with the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi
  • Field Trip to Ladakh and setting up of Thundal Samanbal
  • Merging Boundaries and Shifting Paradigms in Education: Seminar cum Workshop for Teachers
  • Film Screening of Chitti Hatia at Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi
  • Afghanistan Preparatory Committee Meeting
  • Workshop on Gender Perspectives on International Human Rights, Humanitarian, Refugee and Criminal Law
  • Field trip to Gujarat with AWAAJ
  • Indo-Afghan Youth Forum – I: Film Screening and Discussion (Afghan Chronicles)
  • Indo Afghan Youth Forum – II: Film Screening and Discussion (View from a Grain of Sand)
  • Experiencing, Exploring and Expanding Selves: Identity, Conflict and Coexistence – A Collaborative Workshop
  • Reaching Across Faultlines: Initiatives for Reconciliation in Gujarat – A Roundtable
  • Voices from the Field: Action Research Initiative in Kadhamal, Odisha


  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Athwaas Retreat
  • Media Training Workshop titled Peace Journalism: Evolution, Trajectory, and Principles for Young Journalists from Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir
  • Interaction with faculty and students at Kinnaid College, Lahore
  • Follow-Up Workshop for Kashmiri Journalists titled Exploring Peace Journalism
  • National Roundtable titled Gujarat 2002: Creating Spaces for Dialogue, Justice and Reconciliation
  • NTS Training Course for Indonesian Police Lecturers, Doctors and NGO Leaders
  • Domestic Violence and Women’s Legal Rights
  • Creating Peace Stories for Children in Conflict Regions
  • Domestic Violence Workshop, Jammu
  • Meeting of Working Group on Cultural Initiatives for Peace and Reconciliation in Jammu and Kashmir
  • Conflict Transformation Workshop for Tibetan Youth, Dharmsala
  • Workshop for High School Youth on Peacebuilding, The Shri Ram School, Gurgaon
  • Introduction to Peacebuilding: A Workshop for Political Science Graduate Students at Loreto College, Kolkata
  • Weeklong Trust-building Workshop titled Coexistence: Transforming Relationships organized for researchers and practitioners from India and Pakistan


  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Interfaith Workshop
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Sustained Dialogue workshop
  • Field Visit and Paper Presentation at the Oxfam Workshop titled Gujarat 2002: Reconciliation, Livelihood and Healing (Ahmedabad).
  • Women in Dialogue: Envisioning the Road Ahead in Jammu and Kashmir
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Athwaas Meeting
  • Scholars of Peace Fellows’ Symposium: Dialogue Processes In India – Prospects and Problems
  • National Forum on Natural Disasters and Human Security (in collaboration with Chaitanya: The Policy Consultancy, Chennai)
  • Regional Conference on Gender and Non-traditional Formulations of Security in South Asia
  • Celebrating the Work of Peace Women: In Solidarity with Irom Sharmila’s Struggle – A Series of Peace Events in Association with NEN and SANGAT
  • Weeklong South Asian Conflict Transformation Workshop for youth leaders from regions of conflict titled Collaborative Explorations
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Initiative with Teachers in Traal
  • Follow up workshop with Health Workers in Budgam
  • Roundtable on Justice and Democracy in Divided Societies (in Collaboration with MCRG and CSDS)
  • Training on Strategic Peacebuilding for graduate students at MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Writers’ Workshop Jammu


  • International Symposium on Reconciliation in South Asia: Exploring the Terrain (in collaboration with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Stockholm)
  • Imagining Peace: A Dance Performance by Geeta Chandran on empowering children to imagine a future without violence and building society’s resilience for reconciliation
  • Jail Birds: A Play by Smita Bharti and Naina Kapur on Healing and Reconciliation.
  • Roundtable titled Gender and Armed Conflict in Nepal bringing together researchers and practitioners from South Asia
  • South Asian Roundtable titled Securing Peace, Mainstreaming Gender: The Case of Sri Lanka
  • South Asian Roundtable titled Migration, Gender and Circles of Insecurity: Case Studies from South Asia
  • National seminar titled Partition of India Revisited: Thinking Through and Beyond Violence, Memory and Trauma (in collaboration with Center for Refugee Studies, Jadavpur
  • University, Kolkata and the International Institute for Mediation and Historical Conciliation, Boston)
  • WISCOMP was a lead participant in the International Conference titled ‘From Reaction to Prevention: Civil Society Forging Partnerships to Prevent Violent Conflict and Build Peace’ organized by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict held at United Nations Headquarters (New York)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Field Visit to Bijbehara
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Field visit to Dardpora Samanbal, Kupwara
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Counseling Workshop, Budgam
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Women Writers Meet, Srinagar
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Workshop on Health and Livelihood issues for Dardpora Villagers
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Field trip to Srinagar (Media Initiative)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Trauma Healing, Reconciliation and Peacebuilding
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Trauma Healing workshop at Purkho Camp, Jammu
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Interaction with Women from Dardpora
  • Field trip, Jammu (Media Initiative)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Trauma Healing workshop for Darpora Samanbal
  • Seven-day South Asian Youth Leaders’ Training Workshop titled Envisioning Futures: Dialogue and Conflict Transformation.
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Psycho Social Counselling workshop with Teachers from Presentation Convent
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Psycho-Social Counseling workshop with ParaCounselors from Budgam and Pulwama


  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Ninth Field Project (Rafiabad, Bijbehara, Kupwara and Jammu migrant camps)
  • Public Lecture on European Experiences of Conflict Resolution and Confidence Building and their Relevance for South Asia (Hans-Georg Wieck)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Samanbal Consultative Workshop (Srinagar)
  • The Relevance of Nonviolence in International Conflicts (Mel Duncan and Mary Lou Ott)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Women Writers· Meet on Literature in Exile (Jammu)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Tenth Field Project (Rafiabad)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Field Project (Bijbehara)
  • Third Athwaas Review and Training workshop (New Delhi)
  • Disarmament, Security and Peace (Amb. Arundhati Ghose)
  • Athwaas Samanbal Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Psychosocial Training Workshop for Village Health Workers (Budgam and Pulwama)
  • Reconciliation in Areas of Conflict: Possibilities of Building Coexistence and Communal Harmony
  • Athwaas Samanbal Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Psychosocial Training Workshop for School Teachers, (Srinagar)
  • Interaction with Jammu and Rafiabad Samanbals to begin training programs
  • Athwaas Samanbal Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Counseling (Refresher) Workshop for Village Health workers and school teachers (Budgam, Pulwama, Srinagar)
  • Weeklong Conflict Transformation Training for young practitioners and researchers from India and Pakistan titled Dialogic Engagement
  • Interventions and Presentations at the World Social Forum (Mumbai)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Field visit to Ladakh
  • Workshop on Micro Credit conducted by PRADAN, Rafiabad Samanbal, Baramulla
  • Athwaas Audience with HH the Dalai Lama
  • Field Visit to Rafiabad, Baramulla and Dairy units sanctioned for Dardpora by WDC
  • Panel Discussion on High-Table Summits between India and Pakistan: Significant Breakthroughs and Lessons Learned
  • Panel Discussion on Sustaining the Composite Dialogue between India and Pakistan
  • Roundtable on Transcending Borders: The Role of Multi-Track Peacebuilding
  • Roundtable on the Role of the Media in Conflict Generation and Conflict Transformation
  • Brainstorming and Agenda Setting Meeting: Reconciliation in South Asia—Challenges and Prospects (New Delhi)
  • Review Consultation of NTS Research Group titled Non-Traditional Security Formulations: Gender and South Asia
  • South Asian Roundtable titled Ownership or Death: A Study of the Tenant Farmer’s Movement in Pakistan
  • Roundtable on Gender, Identity and Armed Conflict: A Study on Kashmir held as part of a Research Project on Non-Traditional Security in South Asia


  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Review and Training Workshop (New Delhi)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Sixth Field Project (Rafiabad)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Seventh Field Project (Rafiabad and Uri)
  • Second Annual India-Pakistan Conflict Transformation Workshop titled Transcending Conflict
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Women Writers’ Meet (Srinagar)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Eighth Field Project (Bijbehara)
  • Regional Consultation on Mapping Reconciliation in South Asia
  • Lecture on Conflict Prevention in 2004: ls the World Safer Today? (H.E. Glen Lindholm)
  • Workshop on Dialogue and Negotiation: Concept, Methodology and Tools (conducted for young Indians and Pakistanis)
  • Workshop on Justice, Reconciliation and Coexistence: Theory and Praxis
  • Film Screening and Discussion: Crossing the Lines – Kashmir, Pakistan, India
  • Roundtable on the Role of Women’s Groups in Building Peace between India and Pakistan
  • Roundtable on Prejudice Reduction and Reconciliation: Cross-Cultural Experiences
  • Film Festival on Media as a Tool for Conflict Transformation
  • Public Lecture on Track Two and Citizens’ Diplomacy: Innovative Possibilities for Peace in South Asia (Prof. Edy Kaufman)
  • Importance of the Legal System in Building Sustainable Peace (Justice J.S. Verma)
  • Regional Conference on Non-Traditional Security Discourse: Gender and South Asia
  • Roundtable on The Security Discourse: Opening Thinking Spaces for Non-Traditional Security Issues
  • Roundtable on Gender and Displacement
  • Roundtable on Gender Dimensions of Transnational Flows: Terrorism, Small Arms, Drugs and Trafficking
  • Roundtable on Engendering Peace Processes
  • Workshop on Conflict Analysis: Theories and Models
  • Panel Discussion on Human Rights. Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict Transformation
  • Public Lecture on Relevance of the Gandhian Approach to Nonviolence (Ravindra Varma)
  • Public Lecture on Peacemaking through Track One and Track Two Diplomacy (l.K. Gujral)
  • Public Lecture on Nonviolence: The Only Hope for the 21st Century (Ela Gandhi)
  • Panel Discussion on Facilitating Peace: Challenges and Opportunities in Sri Lanka
  • Panel Discussion on Dealing with the Past: Experiments with Restorative Justice in South Africa and Sri Lanka
  • Workshop on Religion, Violence and Peace
  • Roundtable on Experiences with Transformation: Women’s Dialogue Processes
  • Workshop on Theater of the Oppressed


  • Film Screening and Discussion: Titanic Town
  • Roundtable on The Changing Contours of Diplomacy
  • Meeting on the Gujarat Riots where the focus was on the Role of Civil Society in Peacebuilding in Gujarat
  • Roundtable on Negotiating Security Post-9/11
  • Roundtable on Economic Diplomacy and Multi-Track Processes
  • Lecture on Public Diplomacy: Contemporary Imperatives, Challenges and Opportunities
  • Lecture on Peacekeeping: The Challenge of Mainstreaming Gender
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Second Field Project (Purkho, Muthi and Bellicharana Camps, Jammu)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Review and Visioning Workshop (Srinagar)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Third Field Project (Tragpora)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Fourth Field Project – Focus on Elections in Kashmir (Anantnag District, Baramulla District)
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: Fifth Field Project (Tragpora, Rohama, Chijiama)


  • Roundtable on Non-Military Variables of Security: Voices from Pakistan
  • First Annual India-Pakistan Conflict Transformation Workshop titled Re-humanizing the Other
  • South Asian Symposium on Conflict Resolution: Trends and Prospects
  • Workshop on Building Peace: Strategies and Tools
  • Workshop on Negotiation and Mediation
  • Book Reading by Urvashi Butalia: The Other Side of Silence
  • Film Screening and Discussion: Facing the Truth – Proceedings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa
  • Public Lecture titled Dealing with Difference: Conflict and its Resolution (Susan Collin Marks)
  • Roundtable on Human Security and Sources of Conflict
  • Roundtable on Comprehensive Security and Conflict Resolution in South Asia
  • Roundtable on Women, War and Peace: The Dominant and Dissenting Narratives
  • Birth of the WISCOMP Athwaas Initiative: Visioning Process
  • Athwaas Initiative in Jammu and Kashmir: First Field Project (Srinagar, Dardpora, Baramulla Town, Kandi Belt, Tragpora and Bijbehara)


  • South Asian Symposium on Human Security in the New Millennium
  • Indian women’s peace delegation to Pakistan: The delegation was led by veteran Gandhian Nirmala Deshpande
  • Roundtable on Breaking the Silence: Women in Kashmir
  • Roundtable on Women, Globalization and Development
  • Roundtable on Gender and Nationalism
  • Roundtable on Gender and Peacebuilding
  • Professional Development Workshop on Proposal Writing, Fellowships and Grants (by Poonam Barua)
  • Photo Installation on Kashmir titled ‘When the Gun is Raised, Dialogue Stops’
  • Workshop on Women’s Rights as Human Rights: CEDAW
  • Panel Discussion on Careers for Women in International Security
  • Panel Discussion on Regional Cooperation and Diplomacy in South Asia
  • Public Lecture on Engendering Security (Asma Jahangir)
  • Film Screening and Discussion: Bereavement – Wounds of War, Bonds of Peace
  • Film Screening and Discussion: License to Kill (Honor Killings in Pakistan)
  • Film Screening and Discussion: Voices from Baliapal


  • Public Dialogue on Gender Perspectives on Conflict Coverage: The Role of Women Media Persons in Reporting Conflict
  • Roundtable on Women Reporting Conflict

Rajiv Mehrotra has been a student of His Holiness for forty years. He travelled with His Holiness for the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony and helped establish the Foundation with the prize money. He serves as its Secretary & Trustee.

He was educated at St Stephen’s College and the Universities of Oxford and Columbia. He has authored nine books that have been published in more than 50 editions and languages. These include Mind of The Guru, Thakur-a Biography of Sri Ramakrishna and The Essential Dalai Lama. As an independent documentary filmmaker, commissioning editor and producer, Rajiv Mehrotra has won 32 National Awards in 34 years from the President of India. He serves as the Managing Trustee of The Public Service Broadcasting Trust, winning more than 300 awards worldwide from over 1,700 film festival selections.

For decades, he was a familiar face as an anchor on public television in India. He was nominated a Global Leader for Tomorrow by The World Economic Forum at Davos where he twice addressed plenary sessions. He is frequently invited to talk about His Holiness, on Buddhism, inter-faith harmony and issues related to the media. Rajiv Mehrotra has served on numerous Committees and Boards. He was a Judge for the Templeton Prize for Religion.

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Dr. Meenakshi Gopinath is the Founder and Director of WISCOMP. She is Chair, Board of Governors, Centre for Policy Research (CPR), and Principal Emerita of Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi, where she served as Principal for 26 years (1988-2014). She has been a member of the Advisory Board on the Planning Commission of India and the University Grants Commission. Dr. Gopinath was the first woman to be nominated to the National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) of India. She is a member of multi-track peace initiatives and people-to-people dialogues in South Asia. She serves on numerous Boards including the United Nations Peace University in Costa Rica, the Geneva-based Nonviolent Peaceforce, Asian University for Women in Bangladesh, among others.

Dr. Gopinath has written and lectured across the world on issues of Conflict Transformation, Peacebuilding, Women’s Leadership, Education for Peace, International Relations and Diplomacy. She serves on the governing boards of prominent research institutes, NGOs and educational institutions and has developed programs and curricula on educating for peace in several universities, colleges and schools. In recognition of her contribution to the field of women’s education and empowerment, she has received several awards including the Padma Shri Award from the President of India; Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi Award; Rajiv Gandhi Award for Excellence in Education; among others. She was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree by La Trobe University, Australia; the Distinguished Alumna Award by Lady Shri Ram College for Women, for meritorious contribution in the field of Education; and the Nirbhaya Puraskar 2017 by OYSS Women (Odisa Yuva Sanskrutik Sansad) for exemplary courage and accomplishment in the field of Education.

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Seema Kakran is Deputy Director at WISCOMP with over two decades of experience of designing gender trainings and conducting research on issues of inclusion and diversity. A specialist in public policy analysis, political theory and evaluation methodologies, she holds a Graduate Certificate in Public Policy Analysis from University of Nebraska – Lincoln. She has also attended courses in Evaluation Methodology at INCORE, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, and Gender Evaluation Methodology and Participatory Evaluation Training of Community of Evaluators (A South Asia Network). Seema has previously taught Political Science at the University of Delhi and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, USA. She has completed pre-doctoral work at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and holds M.Phil and Masters’ degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University and University of Delhi. Her research focuses on gender equality and socio-political conflicts in India.

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Manjri Sewak is Assistant Director of WISCOMP, currently on sabbatical pursuing a PhD in Education for Peace at the Nelson Mandela Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. She has been associated with WISCOMP since its inception in 1999. A writer and trainer in the field of peacebuilding, Manjri holds expertise in conflict transformation and curriculum development. In 2004–5, she was part of a team that designed a Diploma Program in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding at Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi, where she later served as a Visiting Faculty. Manjri has conducted peacebuilding workshops for university and school students across the country. She is the author of Multi-Track Diplomacy between India and Pakistan: A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Security (2005), Bridging the Divide: Peacebuilding for a New Generation (2014), and co-author of Transcending Conflict: A Resource Book on Conflict Transformation (2003).

Manjri is a recipient of the RCSS-NTI Research Award and the Fulbright Conflict Resolution Scholarship. She holds a Masters’ degree in Conflict Transformation from the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, USA, and a Bachelors’ degree in Journalism from Lady Shri Ram College for Women.

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Sumona DasGupta is a Political Scientist, independent Researcher and a Senior Visiting Fellow with Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA). She is a Member of Calcutta Research Group, Kolkata, and the Chair of International Advisory Group at International Conflict Research Institute, University of Ulster in Northern Ireland. She has written extensively on conflict transformation, critical security studies, governance and politics in South Asia, particularly on Jammu and Kashmir and gender issues as a cross-cutting theme.

Dr. DasGupta was a Visiting Fellow at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2014 and Lead Researcher for PRIA on the European Union Research Project on Cultures of Governance and Conflict Resolution in Europe and India. Previously, she served as Assistant Director at WISCOMP.

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Dr. Mallika Joseph is a Senior Fellow at WISCOMP. She serves as Adjunct Professor at the National Institute of Advanced Sciences (NIAS), Bangalore and Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), New Delhi. Until recently, she served as Policy Adviser and Regional Coordinator for the Asia Pacific at The Hague-based Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC). Before that, she was a Professor and Head at the Department of National Security Studies, Central University of Jammu. Earlier, she was the Executive Director of the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS), Sri Lanka, and the Director of the New Delhi-based Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS).

She is part of many global and regional networks working on sustainable development goals, gender, security sector, human security, conflict prevention, regional architectures, and global governance. She has a Ph.D. in international relations and has worked on various issues relating to South Asian security. Some of her recent books/edited volumes include – Rise of China and India: Implications for the Asia Pacific; India’s Economic growth: Opportunities and Challenges for the Region; Demography in South Asia: Implications for the Regional and Global Political Narratives; and Reintroducing Human Security in South Asia. Her latest book is South Asian Perspectives on Sustainable Development and Gender Equality (2021). She is currently working on an edited volume on “Framing Democracy: Civil Society Perspectives from South Asia.”

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Nilova Roy Chaudhury is a senior journalist with over three decades of experience working as a Reporter, Writer, Analyst and Editor with some of the world’s leading print news publications, including The Washington Post, The International Herald Tribune, the Yomiuri Shimbun, the Hindustan Times, the Statesman and the Associated Press, among others. She founded The Indian Review of Global Affairs, an online foreign policy news magazine, and was its Chief Editor for five years. Part of that tenure was with the Symbiosis International University’s School of International Studies, to whom the web magazine was co-opted, as a special resource for its students. She helped set up the SSIS, and has taught and mentored students in some aspects of foreign policy. She is a Senior Visiting Fellow at WISCOMP and has actively engaged in initiatives on Journalism and Peace-Building.

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Shilpi Shabdita is Program Officer at WISCOMP where she handles programs on Conflict Transformation, Gender Justice and Education for Peace. She has a Masters’ degree in International Peace Studies from the University of Notre Dame, USA, and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding from Lady Shri Ram College, India. Previously, she worked at Heartland Alliance, USA on migration issues, and consulted with Afghan’s for Progressive Thinking, Afghanistan on project design and grant writing for youth-led dialogue initiatives. Shilpi has also worked in Uganda at the Justice and Reconciliation Project, where she collated a ‘Community Memory Book’ documenting war memories and justice needs of former combatants and survivors of war; led campaigns for families of disappeared persons; and authored USAID reports on regional reconciliation.

Previously, Shilpi served as a Consultant at WISCOMP working on the ‘Education for Peace’ initiative with youth leaders and educators from New Delhi and Kashmir, which focused on inter-regional dialogue, conflict transformation skill building, and collaborative peace projects.

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Diksha Poddar has been working with WISCOMP on its programs on youth and peacebuilding, youth countering violence, and engendering higher education spaces. Currently, she is working towards the third edition of WISCOMP Saahas Awards on women building peace at the grassroots in South Asia. Diksha is also a Research Scholar at the Centre for South Asian Studies, School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, where she is studying the contours of youth, arts and peacebuilding in conflict areas for her doctoral thesis. Her interest lies within the intersecting themes of gender, youth, creative arts and peacebuilding. Her recent publications include a review article titled 'Youth and Arts: Experiments, Synergies and Critiques' in Journal of Applied Youth Studies (2024); a chapter on 'Youth and Peacebuilding' in Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict (3rd ed., 2022); and a co-authored book chapter titled 'Piecing up Peace in Kashmir: Feminist Perspectives on Education for Peace' in Feminist Solutions to Ending War (ed.), Pluto Publications: London (2021), among others. She has presented her research at several national and international conferences organized by German Association for Conflict and Peace Studies; Nordic Youth Research Symposium at Tampere University, Finland; International Feminist Journal of Politics; and others. Diksha holds an MPhil from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University; a Masters in Development Studies from Ambedkar University, Delhi and has completed her graduation in Economics and Political Science from Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi. In addition, she has completed post-graduate diplomas in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding from University of Delhi and International Law, Institutions and Diplomacy from Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi.

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Kiran Koshy is Administrative officer at WISCOMP. He has over a decade of experience in Healthcare, Pharma and Digital Media. He has worked with Caritas India for an Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction Project at Rukem Peo, Himachal Pradesh and with the Association of Sisters of Destitute at Jivodaya Hospital, Delhi. Kiran has a Masters’ degree in Business Administration from Sikkim Manipal University and a Bachelors’ degree in Commerce from Mahatma Gandhi University.

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Sree Kumari is Executive Assistant at WISCOMP for the last 16 years. Previously, she worked as a Primary School Teacher and Head Librarian at the Kerala Education Society, Delhi. She is a poet and a short story writer in Malayalam. Sree holds a Bachelors’ degree in Chemistry and Library Sciences.

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Akashleena Chakrabarti is Program Officer at WISCOMP, where she coordinates and supports programs on Youth and Dialogue, Mediation, Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding. She has also curated a virtual Book Cafe series facilitating interactive spaces of dialogue for young scholars, academicians and grassroots practitioners. She holds a Bachelors’ degree in Political Science and a Diploma in Conflict Transformation and Peace Building from Lady Shri Ram College for Women, and a Masters’ degree in Political Science from the University of Delhi. Her research interests lie at the intersection of Conflict transformation, digital peacebuilding and performance studies.

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Aditi Kumar is Programme Associate at WISCOMP. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Cambridge in 2023. Before that, she studied the Conflict Transformation and Peace Building Diploma at Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi. Aditi’s current research interests revolve around humanitarian aid, public international law, global north-south relations, gender and experience of justice by the most vulnerable communities.

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