India at 75, with a mere 14.4% of women in the Parliament, belies the constitutional promise of gender equality. Even as the Women’s Representation Bill gathers dust, WISCOMP organized a dialogue in collaboration with IIC, discussing alternatives to affirmative legislation proposed by Rami Chhabra, a pioneering journalist. This dialogue was convened in November 2022.

Rami Chhabra’s insightful presentation called for the feminization of political action, re-introduction of double-member constituencies, and delimitation exercise to downsize constituencies. The discussion focused on the trajectory of the Women’s Representation Bill and measures for recalibrating accountability and equity in politics. Introductory remarks were delivered by Dr. Meenakshi Gopinath, Director of WISCOMP, and the dialogue concluded with illuminating insights shared by Gopalkrishna Gandhi, former Administrator, Diplomat and Governor of West Bengal.