The Panel discussion on Women and Security Sector intended pushing the research advocacy frontier in the security sector to examine the implications of the expanding and equal role of soldiery women in the male bastion of the Indian armed forces. The panel discussion focused on the operational and social implications of gender integration in the masculine institution of the Military where soldiery women were regarded as “intruders” and “unnecessary encumbrances”.

The Discussion Programme also saw the launch of the Jubilee Issue of WISCOMP’s Journal Peace Prints on the subject “Being Re)Armed :Women and the Security Sector”.

The expert panel included Experts Panel of Maj General Jagatbir Singh, (retd.) Distinguished Fellow USI, Air Marshal Rajesh Kumar (retd.) C-n-C Strategic Forces Command and Dr Meeran Borwankar (IPS retd) Member Core Advisory Group on Criminal Justice System Reforms and the moderator Rita Manchanda, Gender, Peace and Security specialist and Research Director South Asia Forum for Human Rights (SAFHR).

Select discussants were identified: Prof Anuradha Chenoy adjunct Prof. Jindal University, Smruti Patnaik Research Fellow Manohar Parrikar-IDSA and Maj Gen Mono Bhagat (retd) Military Adv. to UNSG, UN Mission Congo and Sierra Leone.