Even as India’s targets of global net zero emissions and LiFE (Lifestyle for the Environment) initiative gain traction in the international arena, the role and voices of women in climate action remain marginalized. In February 2023, in collaboration with IIC and Kubernein Initiative, WISCOMP organized a conference to explore the potentialities of a gender-intentional lens in Climate Change action with policy experts, research scholars, and environmental activists

The speakers foregrounded climate resilient and inclusive policies and practices, the collection of gender-disaggregated data, gender-responsive budgeting in climate finance, and a bottom-up approach to climate action. Some of the questions addressed by the participants during the dialogue include: What lessons and practices from the ground can be scaled up to the cities in particular in policy action? How can stakeholders such as civil society, research groups and think tanks ensure meaningful participation, representation, and accountability in policies and practices? How does gender-disaggregated data collection facilitate the formulation of inclusive climate policies?
Snippets from the session
Sonam Wangchuk- “Lifestyle for Environment initiative resonates with what I call as ‘Live Simply movement’. Please live simply in the big cities so we can simply live in the mountains.. That should guide the way we progress on the planet.”

Amb. Shyam Saran- “Women must not be treated as ‘add on’ or supplemental. Gender needs to be mainstreamed in a way that leads to a change in mindset.”