In its fourth edition, the Book Cafe, titled ‘Memories and Memoirs: Vignettes of Resilience’, sought refuge in the stories of love, hope, and resilience transcending cartographic anxieties. WISCOMP’s Book Café aspires to foster a community of university students, early career researchers, and academicians, as well as grassroots practitioners. Beyond conventional academic tropes, each book becomes an offering to explore different possibilities and stories of hope, resilience, and resistance.

Mainstream literature on Partition One of the very few women’s memoirs, reflecting resilience, compassion, and conviction amidst despair and rupture is acclaimed author, poet, and translator Indira Varma’s poignant memoir, Lest We Forget: How Three Sisters Braved the Partition. The Book chronicles Indira Varma and her two sisters’ lives from her initial years in Peshawar through the Partition to her later years as a successful entrepreneur. The book is a testament to resilience, enduring power of love and hope.

The discussion sought to unpack that while we may have inherited memories of fear, grief, division, and trauma as the central characters in stories of Partition, Indira Varma’s book revolves around friendships, resilience, hope, and compassion that transcend the manmade political borders and boundaries. How do we remember and share the stories of repair and recovery amidst rupture? How do we build vocabularies of love, resilience, hope, compassion, and conviction while building bridges across boundaries?