Apply for Internship
Collaboration for Trainings
Research Partnerships
Intern at WISCOMP
With thousands of youth engaged in various programs at WISCOMP over the years, we invite you to be a part of our ever-growing community of scholars and practitioners. Together, we can forge a more peaceful and inclusive world!
If you are from fields such as Gender Studies, Conflict Transformation, Education, Political Science, Public Policy, Security Studies, Development and Creative Arts, you will have an opportunity to interface with experts and senior practitioners during your internship.
Drop us an email at wiscomp2006@gmail.com with your CV, a Cover Letter explaining why you are keen to intern with us, and sample of your writing and/or other creative work.
Our Current Interns
Caroline Veronica V (M.A. International Relations, Loyola College, Chennai)
Research Area – Climate Change and Women from Marginalised communities: A Case Study of Tamil Nadu
GK Rhiya Jency (M.A. International Relations, Loyola College, Chennai)
Research Area – Implementation and Impact of CEDAW in South Asia
Anamra Boury
Research Area – The Chipko Andolan: Ephemeral or Enduring Movement?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What do interns do?
Conduct research, assist in event planning and coordination, interact with organisations and networks, public relations, including media outreach, general office work and assist in documentation.
2. What is the compensation package?
Internships at WISCOMP are mostly unpaid. A few small need based bursaries are available.
3. Who can apply?
Applicants should have a strong interest in one or more of the following fields: Security Studies, International Relations, Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation, Gender Studies and Education for Peace. In addition to an undergraduate degree the applicants should possess good verbal and written communication skills and working knowledge of Windows and Internet. An intern must also be able to work both individually and in a team.
4. What is the duration of internship?
WISCOMP internships vary between ten to sixteen weeks. Internships for durations shorter than eight weeks are generally not available.
Collaborate for a Training
We conduct trainings in collaboration with universities, colleges and schools on diverse themes using creative methodologies:
- Introduction to Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding
- Skills for Sustained Dialogue and Active Listening
- Gender Audits at Educational Institutes
- Coexistence and Pluralism
- Education for Peace
- Building Peace through Arts
- Gender, Peace and Conflict
If you would like to invite WISCOMP to facilitate a training, write to us at wiscomp2006@gmail.com.
Partner for Research Projects
WISCOMP’s research and praxis builds on cutting-edge ideas from the field of Security Studies, International Relations, Diplomacy, Law, Education, Gender Studies, Peacebuilding, Public Policy, Development, Mass Communication and the Creative Arts. It offers a broad range of resources in the form of in-house publications, bibliographies, research studies, capacity building modules, and training programs. These seek to stimulate engagement between policy-makers and civil society groups in ways that strengthen efforts for peace and security.

If you are an academician or a doctoral scholar who works on related issues and wants to partner with WISCOMP on a research project, write to us at wiscomp2006@gmail.com.
Contact us
Email: wiscomp2006@gmail.com
Phone: +91 11 24648450, 43091893
Foundation for Universal Responsibility
of HH The Dalai Lama,
Core 4 A, Upper Ground Floor,
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003