WISCOMP Saahas Awards 2020
WISCOMP Saahas Awards 2020 recognize the efforts of educators, students and administrative staff members at educational institutions who seek to build inclusive, equitous and gender justice educational spaces. The Award foregrounds the work of individuals and institutional change processes that are not routinely made visible. The work of awardees (under four categories) not only breaks cultures of silence and impunity on gender based violence on university and college campuses but puts the spotlight on enabling institutional practices and inclusive infrastructure – physical and curricular.

Sheeba K.M.
Associate Professor, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala
Awarded for her consistent advocacy and activism over 25 years to highlight the prevalence of sexual harassment on higher education campuses and unflinching support to survivors of violence through a model counselling centre in Calicut.

Prof. Sanjay
Head & Dean, Faculty of Social Work, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Felicitated for his spirited and sustained campaign over two decades against retrograde forms of oppression and prejudice in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh through transparent systems of redressal on sexual harassment, changes in curricula and community outreach work.

Prof. Rukmini Sen
Professor, School of Human Studies, Ambedkar University, Delhi
Recognized for her creative use of pedagogy to challenge oppressive hegemonic masculinities and ensure democratic inclusivity and dignity of all groups that face violence and discrimination on campus.

Dr. Oishik Sircar
Associate Professor, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana
Recognized for his persistent efforts as a ‘male feminist’ teacher to reclaim a place of mutuality within the academy and imbue it with the ethics of care and for showing by example that it is possible for men to work with a sensibility that foregrounds women’s rights as human rights.

Dinu K
Founder, Dhisha and a Graduate student of Sociology
Applauded his work as Founder of the Dhisha network for the democratic rights of young people and to quell misogynist practices that reinforce the marginalization of women, Transpersons and dalits.

Javed Ahmed Tak
Founder of Zaiba Aapa Institute of Inclusive Education and Humanity Welfare Organisation HELPline, Bijbehara, Kashmir
Special Commendation in recognition of his exemplary work on the education of girls and persons with disability.

Sister Vinitha
Director, St. Teresa’s College, Kochi, Kerala
For her extraordinary leadership in nurturing St. Teresa’s College as a space that harmonizes excellence with access, equity and inclusion.

Prof. Krishna Menon
Dean, School of Human Studies and Professor, Gender Studies, B.R. Ambedkar University, Delhi
For exemplary contributions to Gender Knowledge and Feminist Practice.
WISCOMP has collaboratively worked with higher education institutes across the country in an effort to enhance gender sensitization programs, to make campuses safe and embed institutional processes to foster gender justice.
The Saahas Prerana Awards 2020 celebrate the work of some outstanding partners. They give greater impetus and resonance to gender justice in Indian campuses through their leadership, active engagement and ownership.

Atima Sharma Dwivedi
Principal, Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Jalandhar, Punjab

Rakhee Kalita Moral
Associate Professor, Department of Literature, Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam

Latha Nair R.
Associate Professor, Department of English, St. Teresa’s College, Kochi, Kerala

Sadhana Mishra
a transgender activist, currently works as Social Development Officer at Kalinga Institute of Social Science, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, and teaches post-graduate courses in Social Work.

Amrita Sarkar
is Senior Program Officer, Gender & Sexuality, Saathi, New Delhi. She advocates for the rights of transpersons in higher education institutions.
The Jury
Abha Adams, Educational Consultant and Founder Director of The Shriram School
Dr. Krishna Menon , Dean, School of Human Studies, Ambedkar University, Delhi
Ravi Gulati, Eminent Social Activist and Founder, Manzil
Anjali Bhardwaj, Right to Information Activist and Convenor, Satark Nagrik Sangathan